Courtesy of the Bonner Springs-Edwardsville School District
BONNER SPRINGS, KAN. – A long-time educator and instructional leader within Unified School District 204 is receiving recognition from her peers across the state.
USD 204 is pleased to announce that the Kansas Association of Elementary School Principals has named Kim Mitchell Principal of the Year.
Mrs. Mitchell began her career in education in Fort Leavenworth, KS prior to joining the USD 204 family in 1994.
For the past 20 years, Mitchell has been a prominent leader at Bonner Springs Elementary while serving as Teacher, Reading Coordinator, and Assistant Principal before taking over as Principal of the building in 2007.
Mitchell’s colleagues say she’s passionate about education and leads students and staff fearlessly towards their goals.
Mitchell is often praised for the atmosphere she’s created at BSE, giving children and adults alike a safe and joyful place to attend and visit each day.
Because of her commitment to keeping BSE a healthy and active school, Mitchell was also recently named the 2014 Administrator of the Year through the Kansas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.
“Mrs. Mitchell’s dedication to the profession and commitment to the students and families of Bonner Springs Elementary is second to none,” said Superintendent Dan Brungardt. It is great to work with a Principal as well-rounded, passionate and caring as Kim. She is truly a tremendous asset to the District and our community.”
Mitchell was presented with her award during a surprise ceremony Friday evening at the Bonner Springs P.E. Center.