Monday, October 20, 2014

KANSAS CITY METRO TRAFFIC: MoDOT prepares for World Series traffic, urges early arrival

KANSAS CITY, KAN.  – World Series traffic congestion can be expected around the Truman Sports Complex, particularly along I-70 and I-435 from midday Tuesday throughout the early evening.

MoDOT urges baseball fans heading to the game to leave in plenty of time to ensure you are parked and in your seat by the 7:07 p.m. start of Game 1.

A sell-out crowd combined with the usual afternoon rush hour traffic can lead to backups and delays for those who are accustomed to normal game-day traffic. MoDOT and Kansas City Scout will do their part to help.

Motorists are urged to check up to the minute traffic conditions online before heading out by going to and clicking on the Traveler Information Map, and also to for the latest information on delays and congestion. Scout message boards along major routes will help alert motorists to any potential problems.

MoDOT’s Motorist Assist will be out in force to help stranded motorists get back on their way and move stalled vehicles out of the roadway.

MoDOT is working with local law enforcement to make sure there are no abandoned vehicles on major highways in the metropolitan area in the hours leading up to game time.