More information from the school district:
All Kansas students are required to attend school a total of 1116 hours per year. Although conference and professional development days count partial credit towards actual student attendance, we are still several hours short due to our missed snow days.
As a result, we will be making up time to ensure our schools comply with state statute and requirements for accreditation. Assuming we miss no additional days, the following items will make up our lost time:
- Student attendance days (Pre-K – 11th grade) will be extended two additional days. Therefore, the last student day of attendance for Pre-K through 11th grade will be Tuesday, May 20th.
- The last day of attendance for seniors will be on Tuesday, May 13th.
Assuming we miss no further days of school for any reason, this schedule will complete our required hours of attendance. If additional days are missed for any reason, this schedule will be subject to change.
- The Professional Development Day scheduled for teachers on April 18th has been changed to a student day. Kids WILL attend school on Friday, April 18th.