Do you want a new career experience, but don’t know what job you want or how to find it?
Exploring Jobs Courses are four, online classes that assist persons who are exploring paid work in a range of employment settings.
They are appropriate for adults of any age, including persons ages 50+ who are in employment or retirement transition, and who are interested in a new job or work experience that makes a social impact.
Offered by Next Chapter Kansas City in cooperation with Kansas City Kansas Community College, the upcoming classes are designed for persons to work at their own pace and can be completed any time between October 15 and December 7.
Enrollment will be accepted through November 16, but getting started early gives you more time. You do not need to live near Kansas City to take the courses.
The courses include Exploring Jobs in Community Engagement, Exploring Green Jobs, Exploring Jobs in Education, and Exploring Jobs in Caregiving.
Each class has four lessons, a resource center, and a moderated forum, all designed to provide helpful information and assist participants in determining their next best steps. The instructor will be Dale Graham, former principal of Piper High School. The cost is $50 per course.
According to Karen Hostetler, Next Chapter Kansas City Director, the Green Jobs and Community Engagement courses have both been endorsed by professionals in the field.
Julie Koppen, publisher with Greenability Magazine and Greenability Job Network reviewed the Exploring Green Jobs curriculum, and Jennifer Wilding, Director of Consensus, reviewed the Exploring Jobs in Community Engagement course.
Their comments are available with the course descriptions on the Community College website.
Persons can register by phone with credit card payment at 913-288-7660 or online.
To read the full course description and endorsements, and to enroll online, go to, select Continuing Education/ Fall 2012 Schedule/ Career Programs/ Career Exploration.
You may also contact Karen Hostetler at or by phone at (913) 281-8908 with questions.
Next Chapter Kansas City is a community collaborative of ten organizations developing meaningful opportunities for persons 50 and over as they explore options for work, service, and learning in life’s next chapter.
Shepherd’s Center of Kansas City, Kan., is the lead agency along with El Centro, Inc., KCK Chamber of Commerce, KCK Community College, KCK Public Library, Landon Center on Aging, Leadership 2000, Liveable Neighborhoods, Workforce Partnership, and Wyandotte/Leavenworth Area Agency on Aging.