Kansas City Kansas Community College has been awarded a $2.9 million grant through the Trade Adjustment Assistant Community College and Career Training Program.
The awarding of the $2,966,045 grant was announced Wednesday by the Department of Labor.
The grant will enable KCKCC’s Training for Employment (T4E) program to transition participants to high-wage, high-skill employment while meeting employer needs by expanding and improving KCKCC’s ability to deliver education and career training programs in two years or less for eligible workers.
“This grant will enable KCKCC to create career pathways in construction and advanced manufacturing; develop articulation agreements with four-year institutions; utilize multimedia instructional techniques; and offer innovative training in financial literacy, employability and entrepreneurship training,” said Dr. Marvin Hunt, Dean of Business and Continuing Education.”
“We are thrilled to receive the grant which will enable us to strength existing programs and expand our services to the community,” said Dr. Tamara Agha-Jaffar, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. “Training will focus on many certificate programs related to construction in areas such as electrical, heating and refrigeration and building and property maintenance. We will also strengthen our advanced manufacturing training in machine technology and welding areas and add value through green-technology training.”
In addition, Dr. Agha-Jaffar said T4E will create a Transition to Employment Center to support employment services in conjunction with area employment agencies.
“T4E will expand infrastructure, offer intensive advising, add instructional talent, implement alternative instructional methods and improve learning through technology,” said Dr. Agha-Jaffar.
KCKCC was one of just two colleges in Kansas receiving the Department of Labor grants which focus on Trade Adjustment Assistance-eligible workers, veterans and other unemployed adults.
The other was award Wichita Area Technical College, which will create a consortium with training institutions in four other states.