Friday, June 8, 2012

Wyandotte County to remain in third Congressional District under judges' plan


When the redistricting process began, Wyandotte County was at the center of attention regarding a possible move to the First Congressional District.

However, three federal judges have kept the entire county in the Third Congressional District.

Late Thursday night, the federal court released their congressional redistricting map. Among the highlights include leaving Wyandotte County in the third district, moving Manhattan, Kan, into the first district and unifying the city of Lawrence, Kan., into the second district.

After the Kansas Legislature failed to approve their own maps, the federal court was required to rule on the matter.

"As a result, the court has regretfully resorted to the painstaking task of drawing its own plans," the judges said in the unsigned order.

Many officials in Wyandotte County had feared the county and Kansas City, Kan., would be gerrymandered into the first district.

Instead, it appears Wyandotte County will be virtually untouched following the conclusion of the redistricting process.

More soon.